Choose Character

Through no fault of its business owners, the Board of Directors of Acme Corporation (not there real name) discovered one day that they had overspent their bank account by some millions of dollars. Immediate reviews by the company president and an outside accounting firm found that the finance department leaders were asleep at the helm. The company president bought in in a new CFO and put in place a new finance team to fix the problem...all the while ensuring to the company owners, employees, unions and bankers that Acme was solvent and would continue to meet the needs of its customers.
The bankers respected the president, they knew he was a tough leader and could make the tough decisions to guide the company through the valley of debt. The company managers respected the president as well and were willing to dig in and do all they could do to reduce expenditures.
Things were looking good until some of the Board of Directors voted against the president. A good man was being challenged by the board he had faithfully served.
The lesson here is that you really find out what people are really like when adversity stares them in the face. When you study the board members in our begin to see their true colours. This can only be observed in times of difficulty. Why? Because in good times...everyone is happy. But in bad get to see the real character of a man or woman. Some of the board...did not respect the president, and therefore, in true lack of character...took the opportunity to criticize.
Fairweather friends are everywhere. You know who your real friends are in difficult times.
So my question to you is…in your relationships at work, school and play…watch how people act (or react) in times that are difficult. There true character is displayed in the storms of life.
I want people who stick with me in the storms…Surround yourself with people of strong character and you will weather every storm. Unfortunately for Acme, some of the Board proved they were “fairweather friends…men and women of weak character". The President was the only one of true strength of character.
When choosing friends or business partners or Board Members or even marriage partners...take heed to watch the character of the friend or people you pick it will be the success or failure of your venture. The sun will not always shine...storms will come. Choose Wisely.