This kind of unity is a rare find. It is what we were designed for from the beginning. But it seems as though we lost it in the Garden...as we did with so many other things.
What we lost was community, cooperation, team, being one with others, with ourselves and ultimately with God. What was it replaced with is independence, competition and the worship of self. Frank Sinatra said it best in his song..."I did it my way!"
So what did we really lose anyways...I mean...what does this "oneness" look like? Well I think is best reflected in the oneness of marriage. A man and a woman. It is a powerful thing when two entirely different people, different genders with different likes and dislikes...come together in marriage and share a oneness in "spirit". This oneness...is manifested in like-mindedness or could be best displayed in the power of agreement. When two people agree on something it is a powerful thing.
Recently, "we" purchased a home..."we" were completely in agreement on the matter. Whatever happens in the economy is of little consequence to our relationship because we were "one" in the decision. We "own" it together.
Now consider the opposite...where one person (likely the husband) decides that the family should invest their entire savings into a particular stock or investment. Now take the same scenario as above...a purchase decision has been made and only "half" of the team has agreed to the purchase. Now what happens to the relationship if the decision goes financially downhill with the economy. Only one member of the team "owned" it and therefore the other half will hold it against the decision maker...and their relationship will likely follow their investment into struggle and perhaps divorce.
In your relationships - insist on "agreement" before you go forward on any decision.
"A house divided against itself...will not stand."
Matthew 12:25
This is true for individuals, couples, families, corporations, cities, states and countries. History has proven it time and time again. Yet we still have not learned this lesson...