The Power of 2nd Chances

"Trust is a key facet of any business, but how you deal with being let down can also contribute to success. Are you willing to give people a second chance?
When I was running Virgin Records, a member of the talent-scouting team was stealing and selling boxes of records to local second-hand shops. Tipped off, I called him out on it. He admitted everything. Rather than fire him, I gave him a severe warning and a second chance. Everyone messes up sometimes, I told him, and I said I expected him to learn from his mistake and get back to doing what he did best — finding artists. He went on to discover Culture Club, one of our biggest-selling artists of the 1980s.
We all slip up at some stage in our careers. I did. When I was just a teenager, I fell foul of the customs and excise people as I was trying to bring records into the U.K. I was given a fine, a second chance and have tried to make the most of it ever since. I think this has made me much more accepting and forgiving of people’s mistakes."
(Canadian Business)
The question for all of us is are you willing to give people second chances? I know God loves to do that (thank-you very much!)...but I am not so quick to be generous in this. The bible tells of the story of Jonah. Jonah is told to go down to Nineveh and share the good news down there with the folks. Jonah of course, he goes the other way...because he knows the heart of the Father is merciful...full of second chances. He disliked those Ninavites...he was not interested in seeing them turn their lives around and experience the "love of God". Nope. He knew that God is soft toward others.
So are you a Jonah...and do not like to extend second chances or are you like the Father...who is quick to forgive and extend second chances?
It worked for Richard Branson!