How to predict your future financial success...Answer the "F" Question.

The "Millionaire Mind" is a book written by Dr. Thomas Stanley who was doing research on how to market to the wealthy. His research showed some amazing findings which surprised me. One fact he found is that the true wealthy do not send their children to private schools. They research and find the best public schools with high academic environments and then move their family to that school community.
On finding a spouse it was even more informative and as you may gather...the findings are challengingly simple (but not easy!) However, I will share his findings on a predictor of future financial health and wealth. He found that people who are wealthy are frugal. They understand the value of money and are cautious on how they spend it. Frugality is the mindset of the wealthy. He found that if you could respond "yes" to the following three have a foundation for building future wealth.
Are your parents frugal?
Is your spouse frugal?
Are you frugal?
Consider your current relationships...did you get "three yes answers"? Definitely something to think about. So when you are considering marriage...ask the "F-questions". Now if you are reading this a little later in life...and you realize that your spouse and your parents were not frugal...take comfort that it is never too late to start. Change begins with YOU and that you have control over.
On a future post I will share with you John D. Rockefeller's daily tip for frugal living and it has made all the difference in my life. It's the "L-Word"!