What Can I Learn From Tsunami's.
Consider the Tsunami of 2005 that hit Indonesia...places like Puket became household names on that fated day. Many people died that day...that need not have had they been able to understand the signs and then take appropriate action.
But first lets consider the concept of "drawback" (click on the link to review it before you go further)
Essentially, all the water on the beach is 'drawn back' and for a short period of time the seabed is open to view. You can see the bare seabed which was underwater only minutes ago. Many find this intriguing and go out onto the seabed to explore...not knowing of the impending danger that will soon beset them. Even more sad is that many tourists will ask the locals..."what is all this about". They too, were unable to interpret what is happening. In the picture attached to this entry is a shot of family that were unable to interpret the times...they went exploring when they should have been seeking higher ground.
Leaders of all roles and responsibilties, whether it be in the home or in business or government...must be able to interpret the signs of the times and make decisions that will make a safe harbour for their followers.
The tsunami did not arrive without first providing some "signs" that it was coming. Many "signs" today announce that change is coming (like the "drawback") but will we be wise enough to interpret them or will we miss it and risk losing our lives and those we lead?
What are the warning signs that you need to heed?
What are the warning signs that our society needs to heed?
What you going to do today about it?