People run from risk. They are afraid of failure. "What will people think?"... Reasons go on and on. The result is that they live small lives. These are the folks that have the Lottery as their retirement plan. They live in the world of "what if's and if only".
Everything is risk. If I court this young lady...she could leave me. If I get married...we may get a divorce. If we have children...they could die. Perhaps you think that a little extreme...but if you think about it...it is not far from the truth. Business can fail. Relationships can fail. But, you will never know until you take that step.
Solution: Take small steps, embrace humble beginnings...but more than anything, do something. When we create businesses, or welcome new relationships we move into the realm of possibility...this is what we are made for. Accept risk and you are putting yourself in place for the miracle of growth...at worst and best you are going to grow as a person...and isn't that what it is all about?